Transcript & Other Request Forms
Semester 1 grades posted to transcripts on January 24th, 2025.
Transcripts will be released beginning January 27th, 2025
We realize that February 1st is a Priority Deadline for most colleges and
we are committed to making sure your transcripts are accurate
before processing your requests.
Class of 2025, please note that any requests for transcripts
between December 20th through January 30th will not be processed
until your Semester 1 grades are posted to your YHS Transcript.
Do not submit duplicate requests.
You will be notified when your transcript is sent out.
Due to staff illnesses, we are experiencing a SIGNIFICANT DELAY! There will be a 5-7 school day delay. Thank you for your PATIENCE!
Our next school closure is Monday, February 17th, 2025.
- Transcripts -
TRANSCRIPTS for current 12th graders:
Order your transcript through Parchment to be sent to colleges and to yourself.
This electronic transcript service is FREE while you are an active Oklahoma Public School student.
You will want to create your own account with your personal email address and signature so you will access even after you graduate.
Many colleges especially those out of state ONLY accept transcripts through PARCHMENT.
->If you are wanting a copy of your transcript emailed only to you for your records or for insurance discounts,
then you may use this link CLICK HERE: Transcript Directly from YukonHS
-->Your transcript will be emailed from [email protected].
Please check your Spam or Junk folders in your email for the transcript that will be attached as a pdf.
TRANSCRIPTS for current 9th through 11th graders:
Click here to request your Yukon High School TRANSCRIPT directly from Yukon High School.
This is a free service.
->Your transcript will be emailed from [email protected].
Please check your Spam or Junk folders in your email for the transcript that will be attached as a pdf.
YHS Graduates / ALUMNI and/or Former Students:
ONLY the Graduate/Alumni and/or Former Student can request their transcript due to FERPA law.
Parchment will charge a fee to send your transcript but should be used if you applying to college outside of Oklahoma.
->If you are wanting a copy of your transcript emailed only to you for your records,
then you may use this link Click HERE: Transcript Directly from YUKONHS
-->Your transcript will be emailed from [email protected].
Please check your Spam or Junk folders in your email for the transcript that will be attached as a pdf.
Our Yukon High School Registrars are your contact for transcripts, Yukon High School records requests,
Yukon High School withdrawals/exits from Yukon High School, Yukon High School Diplomas, and Yukon High School Education Verifications.
The Yukon High School Registrars are Yvonne Goettsch and Marcy Mass.
You may contact them by email: [email protected]
phone: 405-354-6692
Mrs. Goettsch handles exiting students from Yukon High School.
Mrs. Mass handles requesting records for new students that have completed enrollment through the District Enrollment Center.
Both Registrars handle sending out transcripts.
-- Diplomas --
If you did not pick up your diploma during the summer after graduation,
then you will need to email: [email protected] to schedule an appointment to pick up your diploma.
Yukon Public Schools doesn't store a copy of your diploma.
Once it is picked up, you have the only diploma issued by Yukon High School.
-- Education Verification Companies --
Education verification companies MUST use Parchment for their requests.
Questions should be sent to [email protected]
-Withdrawal Process for Parents/Guardians to exit Yukon High School-
1. Email the Registrar ([email protected]) to notify of the upcoming withdrawal/exit of your student and
schedule an appointment for withdrawal.
2. Gather your student's YHS issued Chromebook and charger, library books, uniforms, band and/or choir items for return
to Yukon High School during the withdrawal appointment.
2. Please come to Yukon High School with your parent/guardian photo ID (driver's license, state ID, or passport) and
the above mentioned items to the Attendance/Counseling Office of Yukon High School during your appointment time.
--If you are no longer in the Yukon/OKC area, please email the YHS Registrar at [email protected] to set up
an alternate way to withdraw and return the YHS issued Chromebook.
3. Ideally, a parent can withdraw their student on their last day of attendance at YHS. The student can be checked out at the end
of the day to turn in their YHS Chromebook along with any other items they have checked out.
The parent signs the withdrawal form after the items are marked returned.
A copy of the withdrawal form and a transcript will be given to the parent at that time.
-Work Permit-
If you are at least 14 years old and meet the school attendance requirements as well as the requirements set forth by the Department of Labor,
then you should call Yukon High School at 405-354-6692 to check to make sure the requirements have been met
and then obtain the Form 600 (application for Work Permit) from Yukon High School.
You can stop by Yukon High School during our
Regular Hours (during the school year August to May) which are Monday-Friday 7:30am to 3:45pm OR
Summer Hours (June and July) which are Monday-Thursday 7:15am to 3pm
-Districts requesting records (Districts Only ; NOT for parents/students)-
Please use Parchment's District to District Transfer Request by clicking on this link: Parchment Transfer Request
Email [email protected]
-Learner Permit/Driver License Info-
Current YHS students can obtain a letter showing your address for the Real ID, by emailing [email protected]
from your school email address.
Please Visit OK Dept of Public Safety Learner Permit Requirements for more information.
Enrollment verification and reading proficiency is NO LONGER needed for Learner Permits.